Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The future of my professional learning network (PLN)

With my first post, I would like to welcome the newest members of my PLN. Those of you that I am learning with in the University of North Dakota's IDT program. I look forward to learning from you and contributing equally to your learning.

Today i read an article which is concerning to me: http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/24/google-is-walking-dead/  Although I use Twitter for much of my PLN, I have come to use many avenues for learning about educational (specifically educational technology) issues and I have come to rely most on Google+. I have been a Google + user for as long as it has been around. Much like Google Wave, I have questioned from the beginning if the product would grow or be killed. I found Google Wave to be "Cool" but didn't find a need to try to convince others to "drink the kool-aid" and join the Wave. Plus on the other hand, started as a "cool" tool for me, and has since grown to be a service which I rely on.  There are so many GREAT features of Plus; Hangouts and communities to name a couple. Simply put, I love the organization which Plus provides for me. If I have a few minutes, I always find myself going to Plus as my first source of learning. Being able to arrange my "followers" into circles, and choosing who to share with (with ease) has made plus my social network of choice.

As I mentioned earlier, i did not feel the need to try to get others to ride the wave, with Plus I am continually bringing it up at conferences and PD sessions (I will be presenting at the Google summit in Grand Forks on June 8th if you are interested #shamelessplug).

I have come to use Plus for both personal and professional purposes. I just have not found another social network that compares. So this may be a plea to Google, or just my 2 cents, but I hope Plus doesn't join the Google graveyard with other services like reader.