Monday, June 9, 2014

Learning is a team activity

So you want to learn something... YouTube it! Well either that, or attend a class, a MOOC, go to a conference, or discuss with a colleague. How do we learn those things that we didn't know we wanted to learn?

I beg this question as I think this is where many of our students are. They have been put in this room, and are told "learn." "What?" they may ask; "Well, Whatever the teacher teaches you." One large problem as I see it is, When they are not put in a room, and told to listen to the teacher, how will they know what to learn and how to learn it?

If learning would be a team activity, then all of the learners are focused on the goal, working together to solve problems. I emphasize TOGETHER we solve problems. We may ask others, we may take a course with others, we may read a book, the key being to efficiently solve problems, we MUST work together.

If you know me, you probable also know that I believe that ALL individuals should strive to be LIFELONG learners. How do we help our students become lifelong learners? we learn WITH them. Throughout the last year or two, I have been working closely with another teacher in what we have called a peer-coaching relationship. This has proven to me to be one of the most effective (face to face) learning strategies I have found. Sometimes I need reinforcement, sometimes i need ideas, and sometimes, I need to be told "Do it different!" Having one person to develop a relationship with has been very powerful. It helped that we used to be located directly across the hall from one another.

In addition to a peer coaching relationship, I believe we need "virtual" peer coaches. These are people that you may not recognize if you were sitting next to, though you may idol. These virtual coaches may not have ever seen you teach but can share helpful resources with you.

Develop a relationship with both face to face and virtual individuals (Via twitter, Google+, etc.) and share your learning journey with your students and colleagues.


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